Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

Langenbeck-Virchow House
Langenbeck-Virchow House is the home of the administrative office of the German Society of Surgeons, certain surgical-scientific specialist societies, and also the Professional Association of German Surgeons.
The Berlin Medical Society and the German Society of Surgeons had Langenbeck-Virchow House built in 1913 with the goal "of promoting scientific work in the entire field of medicine, maintaining a collegial relationship among its members, and representing the interests of the medical profession" and also "in the face of steady growth in science to unite those who work in the field of surgery, facilitate the exchange of ideas through personal intercourse and to promote joint work". Together with 20 specialist societies, the Aesculap Academy active in medical training and development and other partners in the field of medicine, Langenbeck-Virchow House can now once again do justice to that goal after its reopening in 2005. As a medical centre in Berlin, it will also be promoting the training and development of doctors on an international scale.
Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus GbR
Luisenstraße 58/59
10117 Berlin (Mitte)
E-Mail: info[at]
Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus-Veranstaltungs GmbH
Sabine Prestel
Luisenstr. 58/59
10117 Berlin (Mitte)
Tel.: +49 30 288-79834
Fax: +49 30 288-83680
E-Mail: sabine.prestel[at]